I am a Print and Web Designer living and working in beautiful downtown Lancaster, PA. I specialize in web design, SEO optimization, social media promotion and advertising, print design, identity (think branding & logos), collateral, marketing, and digital illustration.
The long of it
Born in Media, Pa (Everybody's Hometown) and christened John Marshall Pickard  (email me, and I’ll explain why I go by my middle name). Typical childhood. Two working parents, a dog, two cats, and a brother and two sisters. We ALL survived despite the dangers of Jarts, biking without helmets, cars without seat belts, and the general hazards of being a child of the 70s.
I grew up, went to college at Temple University, and worked as a fishmonger to pay tuition, earning a degree in communications and advertising. I continued my quest for knowledge at various art colleges and through good old self-education.

I landed my first gig at the Lenox Group as a production artist. Paid my dues and got promoted to Graphic Designer designing brochures, catalogs, and direct mail kits of fine collectibles and tabletop products. Continued to work hard and was soon directing photo shoots and managing outside freelancers. 
I met my wife. We got Lexi dog. Earned some more degrees (MA in English & English Education). Had a beautiful daughter. We moved to Bowie, MD, and I did freelance and raised my children as we expanded our family to two beautiful girls. We moved back to Reading. I invested more time in raising my two daughters. Lexi passed, and Quinn joined us later, followed by Max, the wonder mutt. Things got busy. Freelance became secondary as I focused on my family. But, I kept busy teaching, volunteering, coaching, doing side gigs, and working on projects for non-profits and a few select clients. 
Now, the kids are older and more independent. I have been creating social media content, digital advertising campaigns, and website content management for 2L Race Services and their premier race weekend — The Gettysburg Festival of Races
I am always looking for new projects and clients, so drop me a line. Email or just call (610-301-5792). 

• Web Design
• Social Media Advertising
• Social Media Content & Promotion
• SEO optimization
• Copy Writing
• Print Design
• Branding & Logo Design
• Promotional Materials
• Digital Illustration
• Marketing
• Creative Solutions
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